Source code for qwt.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)

Text widgets


.. autoclass:: QwtText


.. autoclass:: QwtTextLabel

Text engines


.. autoclass:: QwtTextEngine


.. autoclass:: QwtPlainTextEngine


.. autoclass:: QwtRichTextEngine

import math
import os
import struct

from qtpy.QtCore import QRectF, QSize, QSizeF, Qt
from qtpy.QtGui import (
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFrame, QSizePolicy, QWidget

from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.qthelpers import qcolor_from_str

QWIDGETSIZE_MAX = (1 << 24) - 1

QT_API = os.environ["QT_API"]

def taggedRichText(text, flags):
    richText = text
    if flags & Qt.AlignJustify:
        richText = '<div align="justify">' + richText + "</div>"
    elif flags & Qt.AlignRight:
        richText = '<div align="right">' + richText + "</div>"
    elif flags & Qt.AlignHCenter:
        richText = '<div align="center">' + richText + "</div>"
    return richText

class QwtRichTextDocument(QTextDocument):
    def __init__(self, text, flags, font):
        super(QwtRichTextDocument, self).__init__(None)

        option = self.defaultTextOption()
        if flags & Qt.TextWordWrap:


        root = self.rootFrame()
        fm = root.frameFormat()


[docs] class QwtTextEngine(object): """ Abstract base class for rendering text strings A text engine is responsible for rendering texts for a specific text format. They are used by `QwtText` to render a text. `QwtPlainTextEngine` and `QwtRichTextEngine` are part of the `PythonQwt` library. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtText.setTextEngine()` """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, font, flags, text, width): """ Find the height for a given width :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags used like in QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :param float width: Width :return: Calculated height """ pass
[docs] def textSize(self, font, flags, text): """ Returns the size, that is needed to render text :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :return: Calculated size """ pass
[docs] def mightRender(self, text): """ Test if a string can be rendered by this text engine :param str text: Text to be tested :return: True, if it can be rendered """ pass
[docs] def textMargins(self, font): """ Return margins around the texts The textSize might include margins around the text, like QFontMetrics::descent(). In situations where texts need to be aligned in detail, knowing these margins might improve the layout calculations. :param QFont font: Font of the text :return: tuple (left, right, top, bottom) representing margins """ pass
[docs] def draw(self, painter, rect, flags, text): """ Draw the text in a clipping rectangle :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Clipping rectangle :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText() :param str text: Text to be rendered """ pass
ASCENTCACHE = {} def get_screen_resolution(): """Return screen resolution: tuple of floats (DPIx, DPIy)""" try: desktop = QApplication.desktop() return (desktop.logicalDpiX(), desktop.logicalDpiY()) except AttributeError: screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() return (screen.logicalDotsPerInchX(), screen.logicalDotsPerInchY()) def qwtUnscaleFont(painter): if painter.font().pixelSize() >= 0: return dpix, dpiy = get_screen_resolution() pd = painter.device() if pd.logicalDpiX() != dpix or pd.logicalDpiY() != dpiy: try: pixelFont = QFont(painter.font(), QApplication.desktop()) except AttributeError: pixelFont = QFont(painter.font()) pixelFont.setPixelSize(QFontInfo(pixelFont).pixelSize()) painter.setFont(pixelFont)
[docs] class QwtPlainTextEngine(QwtTextEngine): """ A text engine for plain texts `QwtPlainTextEngine` renders texts using the basic `Qt` classes `QPainter` and `QFontMetrics`. """ def __init__(self): self.qrectf_max = QRectF(0, 0, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX) self._fm_cache = {} self._fm_cache_f = {} def fontmetrics(self, font): fid = font.toString() try: return self._fm_cache[fid] except KeyError: return self._fm_cache.setdefault(fid, QFontMetrics(font)) def fontmetrics_f(self, font): fid = font.toString() try: return self._fm_cache_f[fid] except KeyError: return self._fm_cache_f.setdefault(fid, QFontMetricsF(font))
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, font, flags, text, width): """ Find the height for a given width :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags used like in QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :param float width: Width :return: Calculated height """ fm = self.fontmetrics_f(font) rect = fm.boundingRect(QRectF(0, 0, width, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX), flags, text) return rect.height()
[docs] def textSize(self, font, flags, text): """ Returns the size, that is needed to render text :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :return: Calculated size """ fm = self.fontmetrics_f(font) rect = fm.boundingRect(self.qrectf_max, flags, text) return rect.size()
def effectiveAscent(self, font): global ASCENTCACHE fontKey = font.key() ascent = ASCENTCACHE.get(fontKey) if ascent is not None: return ascent return ASCENTCACHE.setdefault(fontKey, self.findAscent(font)) def findAscent(self, font): dummy = "E" white = QColor(Qt.white) fm = self.fontmetrics(font) boundingr = fm.boundingRect(dummy) pm = QPixmap(boundingr.width(), boundingr.height()) pm.fill(white) p = QPainter(pm) p.setFont(font) p.drawText(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height(), 0, dummy) p.end() img = pm.toImage() w = pm.width() linebytes = w * 4 for row in range(img.height()): if QT_API.startswith("pyside"): line = bytes(img.scanLine(row)) else: line = img.scanLine(row).asstring(linebytes) for col in range(w): color = struct.unpack("I", line[col * 4 : (col + 1) * 4])[0] if color != white.rgb(): return fm.ascent() - row + 1 return fm.ascent()
[docs] def textMargins(self, font): """ Return margins around the texts The textSize might include margins around the text, like QFontMetrics::descent(). In situations where texts need to be aligned in detail, knowing these margins might improve the layout calculations. :param QFont font: Font of the text :return: tuple (left, right, top, bottom) representing margins """ left = right = 0 fm = self.fontmetrics(font) top = fm.ascent() - self.effectiveAscent(font) bottom = fm.descent() return left, right, top, bottom
[docs] def draw(self, painter, rect, flags, text): """ Draw the text in a clipping rectangle :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Clipping rectangle :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText() :param str text: Text to be rendered """ qwtUnscaleFont(painter) painter.drawText(rect, flags, text) painter.restore()
[docs] def mightRender(self, text): """ Test if a string can be rendered by this text engine :param str text: Text to be tested :return: True, if it can be rendered """ return True
[docs] class QwtRichTextEngine(QwtTextEngine): """ A text engine for `Qt` rich texts `QwtRichTextEngine` renders `Qt` rich texts using the classes of the Scribe framework of `Qt`. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, font, flags, text, width): """ Find the height for a given width :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags used like in QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :param float width: Width :return: Calculated height """ doc = QwtRichTextDocument(text, flags, font) doc.setPageSize(QSizeF(width, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)) return doc.documentLayout().documentSize().height()
[docs] def textSize(self, font, flags, text): """ Returns the size, that is needed to render text :param QFont font: Font of the text :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText :param str text: Text to be rendered :return: Calculated size """ doc = QwtRichTextDocument(text, flags, font) option = doc.defaultTextOption() if option.wrapMode() != QTextOption.NoWrap: option.setWrapMode(QTextOption.NoWrap) doc.setDefaultTextOption(option) doc.adjustSize() return doc.size()
[docs] def draw(self, painter, rect, flags, text): """ Draw the text in a clipping rectangle :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Clipping rectangle :param int flags: Bitwise OR of the flags like in for QPainter::drawText() :param str text: Text to be rendered """ txt = QwtRichTextDocument(text, flags, painter.font()) unscaledRect = QRectF(rect) if painter.font().pixelSize() < 0: dpix, dpiy = get_screen_resolution() pd = painter.device() if pd.logicalDpiX() != dpix or pd.logicalDpiY() != dpiy: transform = QTransform() transform.scale( dpix / float(pd.logicalDpiX()), dpiy / float(pd.logicalDpiY()) ) painter.setWorldTransform(transform, True) invtrans, _ok = transform.inverted() unscaledRect = invtrans.mapRect(rect) txt.setDefaultFont(painter.font()) txt.setPageSize(QSizeF(unscaledRect.width(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)) layout = txt.documentLayout() height = layout.documentSize().height() y = unscaledRect.y() if flags & Qt.AlignBottom: y += unscaledRect.height() - height elif flags & Qt.AlignVCenter: y += (unscaledRect.height() - height) / 2 context = QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext() context.palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, painter.pen().color()) painter.translate(unscaledRect.x(), y) layout.draw(painter, context) painter.restore()
def taggedText(self, text, flags): return taggedRichText(text, flags)
[docs] def mightRender(self, text): """ Test if a string can be rendered by this text engine :param str text: Text to be tested :return: True, if it can be rendered """ try: return Qt.mightBeRichText(text) except AttributeError: return True
[docs] def textMargins(self, font): """ Return margins around the texts The textSize might include margins around the text, like QFontMetrics::descent(). In situations where texts need to be aligned in detail, knowing these margins might improve the layout calculations. :param QFont font: Font of the text :return: tuple (left, right, top, bottom) representing margins """ return 0, 0, 0, 0
class QwtText_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.renderFlags = Qt.AlignCenter self.borderRadius = 0 self.borderPen = Qt.NoPen self.backgroundBrush = Qt.NoBrush self.paintAttributes = 0 self.layoutAttributes = 0 self.textEngine = None self.text = None self.font = None self.color = None class QwtText_LayoutCache(object): def __init__(self): self.textSize = QSizeF() self.font = None def invalidate(self): self.textSize = QSizeF()
[docs] class QwtText(object): """ A class representing a text A `QwtText` is a text including a set of attributes how to render it. - Format: A text might include control sequences (f.e tags) describing how to render it. Each format (f.e MathML, TeX, Qt Rich Text) has its own set of control sequences, that can be handles by a special `QwtTextEngine` for this format. - Background: A text might have a background, defined by a `QPen` and `QBrush` to improve its visibility. The corners of the background might be rounded. - Font: A text might have an individual font. - Color A text might have an individual color. - Render Flags Flags from `Qt.AlignmentFlag` and `Qt.TextFlag` used like in `QPainter.drawText()`. ..seealso:: :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtTextEngine`, :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtTextLabel` Text formats: * `QwtText.AutoText`: The text format is determined using `QwtTextEngine.mightRender()` for all available text engines in increasing order > PlainText. If none of the text engines can render the text is rendered like `QwtText.PlainText`. * `QwtText.PlainText`: Draw the text as it is, using a QwtPlainTextEngine. * `QwtText.RichText`: Use the Scribe framework (Qt Rich Text) to render the text. * `QwtText.OtherFormat`: The number of text formats can be extended using `setTextEngine`. Formats >= `QwtText.OtherFormat` are not used by Qwt. Paint attributes: * `QwtText.PaintUsingTextFont`: The text has an individual font. * `QwtText.PaintUsingTextColor`: The text has an individual color. * `QwtText.PaintBackground`: The text has an individual background. Layout attributes: * `QwtText.MinimumLayout`: Layout the text without its margins. This mode is useful if a text needs to be aligned accurately, like the tick labels of a scale. If `QwtTextEngine.textMargins` is not implemented for the format of the text, `MinimumLayout` has no effect. .. py:class:: QwtText([text=None], [textFormat=None], [other=None]) :param str text: Text content :param int textFormat: Text format :param qwt.text.QwtText other: Object to copy (text and textFormat arguments are ignored) """ # enum TextFormat AutoText, PlainText, RichText = list(range(3)) OtherFormat = 100 # enum PaintAttribute PaintUsingTextFont = 0x01 PaintUsingTextColor = 0x02 PaintBackground = 0x04 # enum LayoutAttribute MinimumLayout = 0x01 # Optimization: a single text engine for all QwtText objects # (this is not how it's implemented in Qwt6 C++ library) __map = {PlainText: QwtPlainTextEngine(), RichText: QwtRichTextEngine()} def __init__(self, text=None, textFormat=None, other=None): if text is None: text = "" if textFormat is None: textFormat = self.AutoText if other is not None: text = other if isinstance(text, QwtText): self.__data = text.__data self.__layoutCache = text.__layoutCache else: self.__data = QwtText_PrivateData() self.__data.text = text self.__data.textEngine = self.textEngine(text, textFormat) self.__layoutCache = QwtText_LayoutCache()
[docs] @classmethod def make( cls, text=None, textformat=None, renderflags=None, font=None, family=None, pointsize=None, weight=None, color=None, borderradius=None, borderpen=None, brush=None, ): """ Create and setup a new `QwtText` object (convenience function). :param str text: Text content :param int textformat: Text format :param int renderflags: Flags from `Qt.AlignmentFlag` and `Qt.TextFlag` :param font: Font :type font: QFont or None :param family: Font family (default: Helvetica) :type family: str or None :param pointsize: Font point size (default: 10) :type pointsize: int or None :param weight: Font weight (default: QFont.Normal) :type weight: int or None :param color: Pen color :type color: QColor or str or None :param borderradius: Radius for the corners of the border frame :type borderradius: float or None :param borderpen: Background pen :type borderpen: QPen or None :param brush: Background brush :type brush: QBrush or None .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setText()` """ item = cls(text=text, textFormat=textformat) if renderflags is not None: item.setRenderFlags(renderflags) if font is not None: item.setFont(font) elif family is not None or pointsize is not None or weight is not None: family = "Helvetica" if family is None else family pointsize = 10 if pointsize is None else pointsize weight = QFont.Normal if weight is None else weight item.setFont(QFont(family, pointsize, weight)) if color is not None: item.setColor(qcolor_from_str(color, if borderradius is not None: item.setBorderRadius(borderradius) if borderpen is not None: item.setBorderPen(borderpen) if brush is not None: item.setBackgroundBrush(brush) return item
def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__data.renderFlags == other.__data.renderFlags and self.__data.text == other.__data.text and self.__data.font == other.__data.font and self.__data.color == other.__data.color and self.__data.borderRadius == other.__data.borderRadius and self.__data.borderPen == other.__data.borderPen and self.__data.backgroundBrush == other.__data.backgroundBrush and self.__data.paintAttributes == other.__data.paintAttributes and self.__data.textEngine == other.__data.textEngine ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def isEmpty(self): """ :return: True if text is empty """ return len(self.text()) == 0
[docs] def setText(self, text, textFormat=None): """ Assign a new text content :param str text: Text content :param int textFormat: Text format .. seealso:: :py:meth:`text()` """ if textFormat is None: textFormat = self.AutoText self.__data.text = text self.__data.textEngine = self.textEngine(text, textFormat) self.__layoutCache.invalidate()
[docs] def text(self): """ :return: Text content .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setText()` """ return self.__data.text
[docs] def setRenderFlags(self, renderFlags): """ Change the render flags The default setting is `Qt.AlignCenter` :param int renderFlags: Bitwise OR of the flags used like in `QPainter.drawText()` .. seealso:: :py:meth:`renderFlags()`, :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtTextEngine.draw()` """ renderFlags = Qt.AlignmentFlag(renderFlags) if renderFlags != self.__data.renderFlags: self.__data.renderFlags = renderFlags self.__layoutCache.invalidate()
[docs] def renderFlags(self): """ :return: Render flags .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setRenderFlags()` """ return self.__data.renderFlags
[docs] def setFont(self, font): """ Set the font. :param QFont font: Font .. note:: Setting the font might have no effect, when the text contains control sequences for setting fonts. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`font()`, :py:meth:`usedFont()` """ self.__data.font = font self.setPaintAttribute(self.PaintUsingTextFont)
[docs] def font(self): """ :return: Return the font .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setFont()`, :py:meth:`usedFont()` """ return self.__data.font
[docs] def usedFont(self, defaultFont): """ Return the font of the text, if it has one. Otherwise return defaultFont. :param QFont defaultFont: Default font :return: Font used for drawing the text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setFont()`, :py:meth:`font()` """ if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.PaintUsingTextFont: return self.__data.font return defaultFont
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """ Set the pen color used for drawing the text. :param QColor color: Color .. note:: Setting the color might have no effect, when the text contains control sequences for setting colors. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`color()`, :py:meth:`usedColor()` """ self.__data.color = QColor(color) self.setPaintAttribute(self.PaintUsingTextColor)
[docs] def color(self): """ :return: Return the pen color, used for painting the text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setColor()`, :py:meth:`usedColor()` """ return self.__data.color
[docs] def usedColor(self, defaultColor): """ Return the color of the text, if it has one. Otherwise return defaultColor. :param QColor defaultColor: Default color :return: Color used for drawing the text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setColor()`, :py:meth:`color()` """ if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.PaintUsingTextColor: return self.__data.color return defaultColor
[docs] def setBorderRadius(self, radius): """ Set the radius for the corners of the border frame :param float radius: Radius of a rounded corner .. seealso:: :py:meth:`borderRadius()`, :py:meth:`setBorderPen()`, :py:meth:`setBackgroundBrush()` """ self.__data.borderRadius = max([0.0, radius])
[docs] def borderRadius(self): """ :return: Radius for the corners of the border frame .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setBorderRadius()`, :py:meth:`borderPen()`, :py:meth:`backgroundBrush()` """ return self.__data.borderRadius
[docs] def setBorderPen(self, pen): """ Set the background pen :param QPen pen: Background pen .. seealso:: :py:meth:`borderPen()`, :py:meth:`setBackgroundBrush()` """ self.__data.borderPen = pen self.setPaintAttribute(self.PaintBackground)
[docs] def borderPen(self): """ :return: Background pen .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setBorderPen()`, :py:meth:`backgroundBrush()` """ return self.__data.borderPen
[docs] def setBackgroundBrush(self, brush): """ Set the background brush :param QBrush brush: Background brush .. seealso:: :py:meth:`backgroundBrush()`, :py:meth:`setBorderPen()` """ self.__data.backgroundBrush = brush self.setPaintAttribute(self.PaintBackground)
[docs] def backgroundBrush(self): """ :return: Background brush .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setBackgroundBrush()`, :py:meth:`borderPen()` """ return self.__data.backgroundBrush
[docs] def setPaintAttribute(self, attribute, on=True): """ Change a paint attribute :param int attribute: Paint attribute :param bool on: On/Off .. note:: Used by `setFont()`, `setColor()`, `setBorderPen()` and `setBackgroundBrush()` .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testPaintAttribute()` """ if on: self.__data.paintAttributes |= attribute else: self.__data.paintAttributes &= ~attribute
[docs] def testPaintAttribute(self, attribute): """ Test a paint attribute :param int attribute: Paint attribute :return: True, if attribute is enabled .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setPaintAttribute()` """ return self.__data.paintAttributes & attribute
[docs] def setLayoutAttribute(self, attribute, on=True): """ Change a layout attribute :param int attribute: Layout attribute :param bool on: On/Off .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testLayoutAttribute()` """ if on: self.__data.layoutAttributes |= attribute else: self.__data.layoutAttributes &= ~attribute
[docs] def testLayoutAttribute(self, attribute): """ Test a layout attribute :param int attribute: Layout attribute :return: True, if attribute is enabled .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setLayoutAttribute()` """ return self.__data.layoutAttributes & attribute
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, width, defaultFont=None): """ Find the height for a given width :param float width: Width :param QFont defaultFont: Font, used for the calculation if the text has no font :return: Calculated height """ if defaultFont is None: defaultFont = QFont() font = QFont(self.usedFont(defaultFont)) h = 0 if self.__data.layoutAttributes & self.MinimumLayout: (left, right, top, bottom) = self.__data.textEngine.textMargins(font) h = self.__data.textEngine.heightForWidth( font, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text, width + left + right ) h -= top + bottom else: h = self.__data.textEngine.heightForWidth( font, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text, width ) return h
[docs] def textSize(self, defaultFont): """ Returns the size, that is needed to render text :param QFont defaultFont Font, used for the calculation if the text has no font :return: Caluclated size """ font = QFont(self.usedFont(defaultFont)) if ( not self.__layoutCache.textSize.isValid() or self.__layoutCache.font is not font ): self.__layoutCache.textSize = self.__data.textEngine.textSize( font, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text ) self.__layoutCache.font = font sz = self.__layoutCache.textSize if self.__data.layoutAttributes & self.MinimumLayout: (left, right, top, bottom) = self.__data.textEngine.textMargins(font) sz -= QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom) return sz
[docs] def draw(self, painter, rect): """ Draw a text into a rectangle :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Rectangle """ if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.PaintBackground: if ( self.__data.borderPen != Qt.NoPen or self.__data.backgroundBrush != Qt.NoBrush ): painter.setPen(self.__data.borderPen) painter.setBrush(self.__data.backgroundBrush) if self.__data.borderRadius == 0: painter.drawRect(rect) else: painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.drawRoundedRect( rect, self.__data.borderRadius, self.__data.borderRadius ) painter.restore() if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.PaintUsingTextFont: painter.setFont(self.__data.font) if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.PaintUsingTextColor: if self.__data.color.isValid(): painter.setPen(self.__data.color) expandedRect = rect if self.__data.layoutAttributes & self.MinimumLayout: font = QFont(painter.font()) (left, right, top, bottom) = self.__data.textEngine.textMargins(font) expandedRect.setTop( - top) expandedRect.setBottom(rect.bottom() + bottom) expandedRect.setLeft(rect.left() - left) expandedRect.setRight(rect.right() + right) self.__data.textEngine.draw( painter, expandedRect, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text ) painter.restore()
[docs] def textEngine(self, text=None, format_=None): """ Find the text engine for a text format In case of `QwtText.AutoText` the first text engine (beside `QwtPlainTextEngine`) is returned, where `QwtTextEngine.mightRender` returns true. If there is none `QwtPlainTextEngine` is returned. If no text engine is registered for the format `QwtPlainTextEngine` is returned. :param str text: Text, needed in case of AutoText :param int format: Text format :return: Corresponding text engine """ if text is None: return self.__map.get(format_) elif format_ is not None: if format_ == QwtText.AutoText: for key, engine in list(self.__map.items()): if key != QwtText.PlainText: if engine and engine.mightRender(text): return engine engine = self.__map.get(format_) if engine is not None: return engine return self.__map[QwtText.PlainText] else: raise TypeError( "%s().textEngine() takes 1 or 2 argument(s) (none" " given)" % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def setTextEngine(self, format_, engine): """ Assign/Replace a text engine for a text format With setTextEngine it is possible to extend `PythonQwt` with other types of text formats. For `QwtText.PlainText` it is not allowed to assign a engine to None. :param int format_: Text format :param qwt.text.QwtTextEngine engine: Text engine .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setPaintAttribute()` .. warning:: Using `QwtText.AutoText` does nothing. """ if format_ == QwtText.AutoText: return if format_ == QwtText.PlainText and engine is None: return self.__map.setdefault(format_, engine)
class QwtTextLabel_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.indent = 4 self.margin = 0 self.text = QwtText()
[docs] class QwtTextLabel(QFrame): """ A Widget which displays a QwtText .. py:class:: QwtTextLabel(parent) :param QWidget parent: Parent widget .. py:class:: QwtTextLabel([text=None], [parent=None]) :noindex: :param str text: Text :param QWidget parent: Parent widget """ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: text, parent = None, None elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], QWidget): text = None (parent,) = args else: parent = None (text,) = args elif len(args) == 2: text, parent = args else: raise TypeError( "%s() takes 0, 1 or 2 argument(s) (%s given)" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)) ) super(QwtTextLabel, self).__init__(parent) self.init() if text is not None: self.__data.text = text def init(self): self.__data = QwtTextLabel_PrivateData() self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
[docs] def setPlainText(self, text): """ Interface for the designer plugin - does the same as setText() :param str text: Text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`plainText()` """ self.setText(QwtText(text))
[docs] def plainText(self): """ Interface for the designer plugin :return: Text as plain text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setPlainText()` """ return self.__data.text.text()
[docs] def setText(self, text, textFormat=QwtText.AutoText): """ Change the label's text, keeping all other QwtText attributes :param text: New text :type text: qwt.text.QwtText or str :param int textFormat: Format of text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`text()` """ if isinstance(text, QwtText): self.__data.text = text else: self.__data.text.setText(text, textFormat) self.update() self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def text(self): """ :return: Return the text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setText()` """ return self.__data.text
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the text and all `QwtText` attributes """ self.__data.text = QwtText() self.update() self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def indent(self): """ :return: Label's text indent in pixels .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setIndent()` """ return self.__data.indent
[docs] def setIndent(self, indent): """ Set label's text indent in pixels :param int indent: Indentation in pixels .. seealso:: :py:meth:`indent()` """ if indent < 0: indent = 0 self.__data.indent = indent self.update() self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def margin(self): """ :return: Label's text indent in pixels .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setMargin()` """ return self.__data.margin
[docs] def setMargin(self, margin): """ Set label's margin in pixels :param int margin: Margin in pixels .. seealso:: :py:meth:`margin()` """ self.__data.margin = margin self.update() self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """ Return a size hint """ return self.minimumSizeHint()
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): """ Return a minimum size hint """ sz = self.__data.text.textSize(self.font()) mw = 2 * (self.frameWidth() + self.__data.margin) mh = mw indent = self.__data.indent if indent <= 0: indent = self.defaultIndent() if indent > 0: align = self.__data.text.renderFlags() if align & Qt.AlignLeft or align & Qt.AlignRight: mw += self.__data.indent elif align & Qt.AlignTop or align & Qt.AlignBottom: mh += self.__data.indent sz += QSizeF(mw, mh) return QSize(math.ceil(sz.width()), math.ceil(sz.height()))
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, width): """ :param int width: Width :return: Preferred height for this widget, given the width. """ renderFlags = self.__data.text.renderFlags() indent = self.__data.indent if indent <= 0: indent = self.defaultIndent() width -= 2 * self.frameWidth() if renderFlags & Qt.AlignLeft or renderFlags & Qt.AlignRight: width -= indent height = math.ceil(self.__data.text.heightForWidth(width, self.font())) if renderFlags & Qt.AlignTop or renderFlags & Qt.AlignBottom: height += indent height += 2 * self.frameWidth() return height
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) if not self.contentsRect().contains(event.rect()): painter.setClipRegion(event.region() & self.frameRect()) self.drawFrame(painter) painter.restore() painter.setClipRegion(event.region() & self.contentsRect()) self.drawContents(painter)
[docs] def drawContents(self, painter): """ Redraw the text and focus indicator :param QPainter painter: Painter """ r = self.textRect() if r.isEmpty(): return painter.setFont(self.font()) painter.setPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Text)) self.drawText(painter, QRectF(r)) if self.hasFocus(): m = 2 focusRect = self.contentsRect().adjusted(m, m, -m + 1, -m + 1) QwtPainter.drawFocusRect(painter, self, focusRect)
[docs] def drawText(self, painter, textRect): """ Redraw the text :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF textRect: Text rectangle """ self.__data.text.draw(painter, textRect)
[docs] def textRect(self): """ Calculate geometry for the text in widget coordinates :return: Geometry for the text """ r = self.contentsRect() if not r.isEmpty() and self.__data.margin > 0: r.setRect( r.x() + self.__data.margin, r.y() + self.__data.margin, r.width() - 2 * self.__data.margin, r.height() - 2 * self.__data.margin, ) if not r.isEmpty(): indent = self.__data.indent if indent <= 0: indent = self.defaultIndent() if indent > 0: renderFlags = self.__data.text.renderFlags() if renderFlags & Qt.AlignLeft: r.setX(r.x() + indent) elif renderFlags & Qt.AlignRight: r.setWidth(r.width() - indent) elif renderFlags & Qt.AlignTop: r.setY(r.y() + indent) elif renderFlags & Qt.AlignBottom: r.setHeight(r.height() - indent) return r
def defaultIndent(self): if self.frameWidth() <= 0: return 0 if self.__data.text.testPaintAttribute(QwtText.PaintUsingTextFont): fnt = self.__data.text.font() else: fnt = self.font() return QFontMetrics(fnt).boundingRect("x").width() / 2