.. _examples: Examples ======== The test launcher ----------------- A lot of examples are available in the ``qwt.test`` module :: from qwt import tests tests.run() The two lines above execute the ``PythonQwt`` test launcher: .. image:: /../qwt/tests/data/testlauncher.png GUI-based test launcher can be executed from the command line thanks to the ``PythonQwt`` test script. Unit tests may be executed from the commande line thanks to the console-based script ``PythonQwt-tests``: ``PythonQwt-tests --mode unattended``. Tests ----- Here are some examples from the `qwt.test` module: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 bodedemo cartesian cpudemo curvebenchmark1 curvebenchmark2 curvedemo1 curvedemo2 data errorbar eventfilter image logcurve mapdemo multidemo simple vertical