Source code for qwt.color_map

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)

Color maps


.. autoclass:: QwtColorMap


.. autoclass:: QwtLinearColorMap


.. autoclass:: QwtAlphaColorMap

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, qIsNaN
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, qAlpha, qBlue, qGreen, qRed, qRgb, qRgba

class ColorStop(object):
    def __init__(self, pos=0.0, color=None):
        self.pos = pos
        if color is None:
            self.rgb = 0
            self.rgb = color.rgba()
        self.r = qRed(self.rgb)
        self.g = qGreen(self.rgb)
        self.b = qBlue(self.rgb)
        self.a = qAlpha(self.rgb)

        #  when mapping a value to rgb we will have to calcualate:
        #     - const int v = int( ( s1.v0 + ratio * s1.vStep ) + 0.5 );
        #  Thus adding 0.5 ( for rounding ) can be done in advance
        self.r0 = self.r + 0.5
        self.g0 = self.g + 0.5
        self.b0 = self.b + 0.5
        self.a0 = self.a + 0.5

        self.rStep = self.gStep = self.bStep = self.aStep = 0.0
        self.posStep = 0.0

    def updateSteps(self, nextStop):
        self.rStep = nextStop.r - self.r
        self.gStep = nextStop.g - self.g
        self.bStep = nextStop.b - self.b
        self.aStep = nextStop.a - self.a
        self.posStep = nextStop.pos - self.pos

class ColorStops(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__doAlpha = False
        self.__stops = []

    def insert(self, pos, color):
        if pos < 0.0 or pos > 1.0:
        if len(self.__stops) == 0:
            index = 0
            self.__stops = [None]
            index = self.findUpper(pos)
            if (
                index == len(self.__stops)
                or abs(self.__stops[index].pos - pos) >= 0.001
                for i in range(len(self.__stops) - 1, index, -1):
                    self.__stops[i] = self.__stops[i - 1]
        self.__stops[index] = ColorStop(pos, color)
        self.__doAlpha = color.alpha() != 255
        if index > 0:
            self.__stops[index - 1].updateSteps(self.__stops[index])
        if index < len(self.__stops) - 1:
            self.__stops[index].updateSteps(self.__stops[index + 1])

    def stops(self):
        return self.__stops

    def findUpper(self, pos):
        index = 0
        n = len(self.__stops)

        while n > 0:
            half = n >> 1
            middle = index + half
            if self.__stops[middle].pos <= pos:
                index = middle + 1
                n -= half + 1
                n = half
        return index

    def rgb(self, mode, pos):
        if pos <= 0.0:
            return self.__stops[0].rgb
        if pos >= 1.0:
            return self.__stops[-1].rgb

        index = self.findUpper(pos)
        if mode == QwtLinearColorMap.FixedColors:
            return self.__stops[index - 1].rgb
            s1 = self.__stops[index - 1]
            ratio = (pos - s1.pos) / s1.posStep
            r = int(s1.r0 + ratio * s1.rStep)
            g = int(s1.g0 + ratio * s1.gStep)
            b = int(s1.b0 + ratio * s1.bStep)
            if self.__doAlpha:
                if s1.aStep:
                    a = int(s1.a0 + ratio * s1.aStep)
                    return qRgba(r, g, b, a)
                    return qRgba(r, g, b, s1.a)
                return qRgb(r, g, b)

[docs] class QwtColorMap(object): """ QwtColorMap is used to map values into colors. For displaying 3D data on a 2D plane the 3rd dimension is often displayed using colors, like f.e in a spectrogram. Each color map is optimized to return colors for only one of the following image formats: * `QImage.Format_Indexed8` * `QImage.Format_ARGB32` .. py:class:: QwtColorMap(format_) :param int format_: Preferred format of the color map (:py:data:`QwtColorMap.RGB` or :py:data:`QwtColorMap.Indexed`) .. seealso :: :py:data:`qwt.QwtScaleWidget` """ # enum Format RGB, Indexed = list(range(2)) def __init__(self, format_=None): if format_ is None: format_ = self.RGB self.__format = format_
[docs] def color(self, interval, value): """ Map a value into a color :param qwt.interval.QwtInterval interval: valid interval for value :param float value: value :return: the color corresponding to value .. warning :: This method is slow for Indexed color maps. If it is necessary to map many values, its better to get the color table once and find the color using `colorIndex()`. """ if self.__format == self.RGB: return QColor.fromRgba(self.rgb(interval, value)) else: index = self.colorIndex(interval, value) return self.colorTable(interval)[index]
def format(self): return self.__format
[docs] def colorTable(self, interval): """ Build and return a color map of 256 colors :param qwt.interval.QwtInterval interval: range for the values :return: a color table, that can be used for a `QImage` The color table is needed for rendering indexed images in combination with using `colorIndex()`. """ table = [0] * 256 if interval.isValid(): step = interval.width() / (len(table) - 1) for i in range(len(table)): table[i] = self.rgb(interval, interval.minValue() + step * i) return table
def rgb(self, interval, value): # To be reimplemented return QColor().rgb() def colorIndex(self, interval, value): # To be reimplemented return 0
class QwtLinearColorMap_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.colorStops = ColorStops() self.mode = None
[docs] class QwtLinearColorMap(QwtColorMap): """ Build a linear color map with two stops. .. py:class:: QwtLinearColorMap(format_) Build a color map with two stops at 0.0 and 1.0. The color at 0.0 is ``, at 1.0 it is `Qt.yellow`. :param int format_: Preferred format of the color map (:py:data:`QwtColorMap.RGB` or :py:data:`QwtColorMap.Indexed`) .. py:class:: QwtLinearColorMap(color1, color2, [format_=QwtColorMap.RGB]): :noindex: Build a color map with two stops at 0.0 and 1.0. :param QColor color1: color at 0. :param QColor color2: color at 1. :param int format_: Preferred format of the color map (:py:data:`QwtColorMap.RGB` or :py:data:`QwtColorMap.Indexed`) """ # enum Mode FixedColors, ScaledColors = list(range(2)) def __init__(self, *args): color1, color2 = QColor(, QColor(Qt.yellow) format_ = QwtColorMap.RGB if len(args) == 1: (format_,) = args elif len(args) == 2: color1, color2 = args elif len(args) == 3: color1, color2, format_ = args elif len(args) != 0: raise TypeError( "%s() takes 0, 1, 2 or 3 argument(s) (%s given)" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)) ) super(QwtLinearColorMap, self).__init__(format_) self.__data = QwtLinearColorMap_PrivateData() self.__data.mode = self.ScaledColors self.setColorInterval(color1, color2)
[docs] def setMode(self, mode): """ Set the mode of the color map :param int mode: :py:data:`QwtLinearColorMap.FixedColors` or :py:data:`QwtLinearColorMap.ScaledColors` `FixedColors` means the color is calculated from the next lower color stop. `ScaledColors` means the color is calculated by interpolating the colors of the adjacent stops. """ self.__data.mode = mode
[docs] def mode(self): """ :return: the mode of the color map .. seealso :: :py:meth:`QwtLinearColorMap.setMode` """ return self.__data.mode
def setColorInterval(self, color1, color2): self.__data.colorStops = ColorStops() self.__data.colorStops.insert(0.0, QColor(color1)) self.__data.colorStops.insert(1.0, QColor(color2)) def addColorStop(self, value, color): if value >= 0.0 and value <= 1.0: self.__data.colorStops.insert(value, QColor(color)) def colorStops(self): return self.__data.colorStops.stops() def color1(self): return QColor(self.__data.colorStops.rgb(self.__data.mode, 0.0)) def color2(self): return QColor(self.__data.colorStops.rgb(self.__data.mode, 1.0)) def rgb(self, interval, value): if qIsNaN(value): return 0 width = interval.width() if width <= 0.0: return 0 ratio = (value - interval.minValue()) / width return self.__data.colorStops.rgb(self.__data.mode, ratio) def colorIndex(self, interval, value): width = interval.width() if qIsNaN(value) or width <= 0.0 or value <= interval.minValue(): return 0 if value >= interval.maxValue(): return 255 ratio = (value - interval.minValue()) / width if self.__data.mode == self.FixedColors: return int(ratio * 255) else: return int(ratio * 255 + 0.5)
class QwtAlphaColorMap_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.color = QColor() self.rgb = QColor().rgb() self.rgbMax = QColor().rgb()
[docs] class QwtAlphaColorMap(QwtColorMap): """ QwtAlphaColorMap varies the alpha value of a color .. py:class:: QwtAlphaColorMap(color) Build a color map varying the alpha value of a color. :param QColor color: color of the map """ def __init__(self, color): super(QwtAlphaColorMap, self).__init__(QwtColorMap.RGB) self.__data = QwtAlphaColorMap_PrivateData() self.setColor(color)
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """ Set the color of the map :param QColor color: color of the map """ self.__data.color = color self.__data.rgb = color.rgb() & qRgba(255, 255, 255, 0) self.__data.rgbMax = self.__data.rgb | (255 << 24)
[docs] def color(self): """ :return: the color of the map .. seealso :: :py:meth:`QwtAlphaColorMap.setColor` """ return self.__data.color
def rgb(self, interval, value): if qIsNaN(value): return 0 width = interval.width() if width <= 0.0: return 0 if value <= interval.minValue(): return self.__data.rgb if value >= interval.maxValue(): return self.__data.rgbMax ratio = (value - interval.minValue()) / width return self.__data.rgb | (int(round(255 * ratio)) << 24) def colorIndex(self, interval, value): return 0