Source code for qwt.legend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)


.. autoclass:: QwtLegendData

.. autoclass:: QwtLegendLabel

.. autoclass:: QwtLegend

import math

from qtpy.QtCore import QEvent, QPoint, QRect, QRectF, QSize, Qt, Signal

# qDrawWinButton,
from qtpy.QtGui import QPainter, QPalette, QPixmap
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (

from qwt.dyngrid_layout import QwtDynGridLayout
from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.text import QwtText, QwtTextLabel

[docs] class QwtLegendData(object): """ Attributes of an entry on a legend `QwtLegendData` is an abstract container ( like `QAbstractModel` ) to exchange attributes, that are only known between to the plot item and the legend. By overloading `QwtPlotItem.legendData()` any other set of attributes could be used, that can be handled by a modified ( or completely different ) implementation of a legend. .. seealso:: :py:class:`qwt.legend.QwtLegend` .. note:: The stockchart example implements a legend as a tree with checkable items """ # enum Mode ReadOnly, Clickable, Checkable = list(range(3)) # enum Role ModeRole, TitleRole, IconRole = list(range(3)) UserRole = 32 def __init__(self): self.__map = {}
[docs] def setValues(self, map_): """ Set the legend attributes :param dict map_: Values .. seealso:: :py:meth:`values()` """ self.__map = map_
[docs] def values(self): """ :return: Legend attributes .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setValues()` """ return self.__map
[docs] def hasRole(self, role): """ :param int role: Attribute role :return: True, when the internal map has an entry for role """ return role in self.__map
[docs] def setValue(self, role, data): """ Set an attribute value :param int role: Attribute role :param QVariant data: Attribute value .. seealso:: :py:meth:`value()` """ self.__map[role] = data
[docs] def value(self, role): """ :param int role: Attribute role :return: Attribute value for a specific role .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setValue()` """ return self.__map.get(role)
[docs] def isValid(self): """ :return: True, when the internal map is empty """ return len(self.__map) != 0
[docs] def title(self): """ :return: Value of the TitleRole attribute """ titleValue = self.value(QwtLegendData.TitleRole) if isinstance(titleValue, QwtText): text = titleValue else: text = QwtText(titleValue) return text
[docs] def icon(self): """ :return: Value of the IconRole attribute """ return self.value(QwtLegendData.IconRole)
[docs] def mode(self): """ :return: Value of the ModeRole attribute """ modeValue = self.value(QwtLegendData.ModeRole) if isinstance(modeValue, int): return modeValue return QwtLegendData.ReadOnly
BUTTONFRAME = 2 MARGIN = 2 def buttonShift(w): option = QStyleOption() option.initFrom(w) ph =, option, w) pv =, option, w) return QSize(ph, pv) class QwtLegendLabel_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.itemMode = QwtLegendData.ReadOnly self.isDown = False self.spacing = MARGIN self.legendData = QwtLegendData() self.icon = QPixmap()
[docs] class QwtLegendLabel(QwtTextLabel): """A widget representing something on a QwtLegend.""" clicked = Signal() pressed = Signal() released = Signal() checked = Signal(bool) def __init__(self, parent=None): QwtTextLabel.__init__(self, parent) self.__data = QwtLegendLabel_PrivateData() self.setMargin(MARGIN) self.setIndent(MARGIN)
[docs] def setData(self, legendData): """ Set the attributes of the legend label :param QwtLegendData legendData: Attributes of the label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`data()` """ self.__data.legendData = legendData doUpdate = self.updatesEnabled() self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self.setText(legendData.title()) icon = legendData.icon() if icon is not None: self.setIcon(icon.toPixmap()) if legendData.hasRole(QwtLegendData.ModeRole): self.setItemMode(legendData.mode()) if doUpdate: self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) self.update()
[docs] def data(self): """ :return: Attributes of the label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setData()`, :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlotItem.legendData()` """ return self.__data.legendData
[docs] def setText(self, text): """ Set the text to the legend item :param qwt.text.QwtText text: Text label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`text()` """ flags = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.TextExpandTabs | Qt.TextWordWrap text.setRenderFlags(flags) QwtTextLabel.setText(self, text)
[docs] def setItemMode(self, mode): """ Set the item mode. The default is `QwtLegendData.ReadOnly`. :param int mode: Item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`itemMode()` """ if mode != self.__data.itemMode: self.__data.itemMode = mode self.__data.isDown = False self.setFocusPolicy( Qt.TabFocus if mode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly else Qt.NoFocus ) self.setMargin(BUTTONFRAME + MARGIN) self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def itemMode(self): """ :return: Item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setItemMode()` """ return self.__data.itemMode
[docs] def setIcon(self, icon): """ Assign the icon :param QPixmap icon: Pixmap representing a plot item .. seealso:: :py:meth:`icon()`, :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlotItem.legendIcon()` """ self.__data.icon = icon indent = self.margin() + self.__data.spacing if icon.width() > 0: indent += icon.width() + self.__data.spacing self.setIndent(indent)
[docs] def icon(self): """ :return: Pixmap representing a plot item .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setIcon()` """ return self.__data.icon
[docs] def setSpacing(self, spacing): """ Change the spacing between icon and text :param int spacing: Spacing .. seealso:: :py:meth:`spacing()`, :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtTextLabel.margin()` """ spacing = max([spacing, 0]) if spacing != self.__data.spacing: self.__data.spacing = spacing mgn = self.contentsMargins() margin = max([mgn.left(),, mgn.right(), mgn.bottom()]) indent = margin + self.__data.spacing if self.__data.icon.width() > 0: indent += self.__data.icon.width() + self.__data.spacing self.setIndent(indent)
[docs] def spacing(self): """ :return: Spacing between icon and text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setSpacing()` """ return self.__data.spacing
[docs] def setChecked(self, on): """ Check/Uncheck a the item :param bool on: check/uncheck .. seealso:: :py:meth:`isChecked()`, :py:meth:`setItemMode()` """ if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: isBlocked = self.signalsBlocked() self.blockSignals(True) self.setDown(on) self.blockSignals(isBlocked)
[docs] def isChecked(self): """ :return: true, if the item is checked .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setChecked()` """ return self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable and self.isDown()
[docs] def setDown(self, down): """ Set the item being down :param bool on: true, if the item is down .. seealso:: :py:meth:`isDown()` """ if down == self.__data.isDown: return self.__data.isDown = down self.update() if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if self.__data.isDown: self.pressed.emit() else: self.released.emit() self.clicked.emit() if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: self.checked.emit(self.__data.isDown)
[docs] def isDown(self): """ :return: true, if the item is down .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setDown()` """ return self.__data.isDown
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """ :return: a size hint """ sz = QwtTextLabel.sizeHint(self) sz.setHeight(max([sz.height(), self.__data.icon.height() + 4])) if self.__data.itemMode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly: sz += buttonShift(self) return sz
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): cr = self.contentsRect() painter = QPainter(self) painter.setClipRegion(e.region()) # if self.__data.isDown: # qDrawWinButton( # painter, 0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), self.palette(), True # ) if self.__data.isDown: shiftSize = buttonShift(self) painter.translate(shiftSize.width(), shiftSize.height()) painter.setClipRect(cr) self.drawContents(painter) if not self.__data.icon.isNull(): iconRect = QRect(cr) iconRect.setX(iconRect.x() + self.margin()) if self.__data.itemMode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly: iconRect.setX(iconRect.x() + BUTTONFRAME) iconRect.setSize(self.__data.icon.size()) iconRect.moveCenter(QPoint(, painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, self.__data.icon) painter.restore()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): if e.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: self.setDown(True) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: self.setDown(not self.isDown()) return QwtTextLabel.mousePressEvent(self, e)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): if e.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: self.setDown(False) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: return QwtTextLabel.mouseReleaseEvent(self, e)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(True) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(not self.isDown()) return QwtTextLabel.keyPressEvent(self, e)
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(False) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: return QwtTextLabel.keyReleaseEvent(self, e)
class QwtAbstractLegend(QFrame): def __init__(self, parent): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) def renderLegend(self, painter, rect, fillBackground): raise NotImplementedError def isEmpty(self): return 0 def scrollExtent(self, orientation): return 0 def updateLegend(self, itemInfo, data): raise NotImplementedError class Entry(object): def __init__(self): self.itemInfo = None self.widgets = [] class QwtLegendMap(object): def __init__(self): self.__entries = [] def isEmpty(self): return len(self.__entries) == 0 def insert(self, itemInfo, widgets): for entry in self.__entries: if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo: entry.widgets = widgets return newEntry = Entry() newEntry.itemInfo = itemInfo newEntry.widgets = widgets self.__entries += [newEntry] def remove(self, itemInfo): for entry in self.__entries[:]: if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo: self.__entries.remove(entry) return def removeWidget(self, widget): for entry in self.__entries: while widget in entry.widgets: entry.widgets.remove(widget) def itemInfo(self, widget): if widget is not None: for entry in self.__entries: if widget in entry.widgets: return entry.itemInfo def legendWidgets(self, itemInfo): if itemInfo is not None: for entry in self.__entries: if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo: return entry.widgets return [] class LegendView(QScrollArea): def __init__(self, parent): QScrollArea.__init__(self, parent) self.contentsWidget = QWidget(self) self.contentsWidget.setObjectName("QwtLegendViewContents") self.setWidget(self.contentsWidget) self.setWidgetResizable(False) self.viewport().setObjectName("QwtLegendViewport") self.contentsWidget.setAutoFillBackground(False) self.viewport().setAutoFillBackground(False) def event(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.PolishRequest: self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) if event.type() == QEvent.Resize: cr = self.contentsRect() w = cr.width() h = self.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(cr.width()) if h > w: w -= self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width() h = self.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(w) self.contentsWidget.resize(w, h) return QScrollArea.event(self, event) def viewportEvent(self, event): ok = QScrollArea.viewportEvent(self, event) if event.type() == QEvent.Resize: self.layoutContents() return ok def viewportSize(self, w, h): sbHeight = self.horizontalScrollBar().sizeHint().height() sbWidth = self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width() cw = self.contentsRect().width() ch = self.contentsRect().height() vw = cw vh = ch if w > vw: vh -= sbHeight if h > vh: vw -= sbWidth if w > vw and vh == ch: vh -= sbHeight return QSize(vw, vh) def layoutContents(self): layout = self.contentsWidget.layout() if layout is None: return visibleSize = self.viewport().contentsRect().size() margins = layout.contentsMargins() margin_w = margins.left() + margins.right() minW = int(layout.maxItemWidth() + margin_w) w = max([visibleSize.width(), minW]) h = max([layout.heightForWidth(w), visibleSize.height()]) vpWidth = self.viewportSize(w, h).width() if w > vpWidth: w = max([vpWidth, minW]) h = max([layout.heightForWidth(w), visibleSize.height()]) self.contentsWidget.resize(w, h) class QwtLegend_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.itemMode = QwtLegendData.ReadOnly self.view = QwtDynGridLayout() self.itemMap = QwtLegendMap()
[docs] class QwtLegend(QwtAbstractLegend): """ The legend widget The QwtLegend widget is a tabular arrangement of legend items. Legend items might be any type of widget, but in general they will be a QwtLegendLabel. .. seealso :: :py:class`qwt.legend.QwtLegendLabel`, :py:class`qwt.plot.QwtPlotItem`, :py:class`qwt.plot.QwtPlot` .. py:class:: QwtLegend([parent=None]) Constructor :param QWidget parent: Parent widget .. py:data:: clicked A signal which is emitted when the user has clicked on a legend label, which is in `QwtLegendData.Clickable` mode. :param itemInfo: Info for the item item of the selected legend item :param index: Index of the legend label in the list of widgets that are associated with the plot item .. note:: Clicks are disabled as default .. py:data:: checked A signal which is emitted when the user has clicked on a legend label, which is in `QwtLegendData.Checkable` mode :param itemInfo: Info for the item of the selected legend label :param index: Index of the legend label in the list of widgets that are associated with the plot item :param on: True when the legend label is checked .. note:: Clicks are disabled as default """ clicked = Signal(object, int) checked = Signal(object, bool, int) def __init__(self, parent=None): QwtAbstractLegend.__init__(self, parent) self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) self.__data = QwtLegend_PrivateData() self.__data.view = LegendView(self) self.__data.view.setObjectName("QwtLegendView") self.__data.view.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) gridLayout = QwtDynGridLayout(self.__data.view.contentsWidget) gridLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.__data.view.gridLayout = gridLayout self.__data.view.contentsWidget.installEventFilter(self) layout = QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.__data.view)
[docs] def setMaxColumns(self, numColumns): """ Set the maximum number of entries in a row F.e when the maximum is set to 1 all items are aligned vertically. 0 means unlimited :param int numColumns: Maximum number of entries in a row .. seealso:: :py:meth:`maxColumns()`, :py:meth:`QwtDynGridLayout.setMaxColumns()` """ tl = self.__data.view.gridLayout if tl is not None: tl.setMaxColumns(numColumns) self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def maxColumns(self): """ :return: Maximum number of entries in a row .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setMaxColumns()`, :py:meth:`QwtDynGridLayout.maxColumns()` """ tl = self.__data.view.gridLayout if tl is not None: return tl.maxColumns() return 0
[docs] def setDefaultItemMode(self, mode): """ Set the default mode for legend labels Legend labels will be constructed according to the attributes in a `QwtLegendData` object. When it doesn't contain a value for the `QwtLegendData.ModeRole` the label will be initialized with the default mode of the legend. :param int mode: Default item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`itemMode()`, :py:meth:`QwtLegendData.value()`, :py:meth:`QwtPlotItem::legendData()` ... note:: Changing the mode doesn't have any effect on existing labels. """ self.__data.itemMode = mode
[docs] def defaultItemMode(self): """ :return: Default item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setDefaultItemMode()` """ return self.__data.itemMode
[docs] def contentsWidget(self): """ The contents widget is the only child of the viewport of the internal `QScrollArea` and the parent widget of all legend items. :return: Container widget of the legend items """ return self.__data.view.contentsWidget
[docs] def horizontalScrollBar(self): """ :return: Horizontal scrollbar .. seealso:: :py:meth:`verticalScrollBar()` """ return self.__data.view.horizontalScrollBar()
[docs] def verticalScrollBar(self): """ :return: Vertical scrollbar .. seealso:: :py:meth:`horizontalScrollBar()` """ return self.__data.view.verticalScrollBar()
[docs] def updateLegend(self, itemInfo, data): """ Update the entries for an item :param QVariant itemInfo: Info for an item :param list data: Default item mode """ widgetList = self.legendWidgets(itemInfo) if len(widgetList) != len(data): contentsLayout = self.__data.view.gridLayout while len(widgetList) > len(data): w = widgetList.pop(-1) contentsLayout.removeWidget(w) w.hide() w.deleteLater() for i in range(len(widgetList), len(data)): widget = self.createWidget(data[i]) if contentsLayout is not None: contentsLayout.addWidget(widget) if self.isVisible(): widget.setVisible(True) widgetList.append(widget) if not widgetList: self.__data.itemMap.remove(itemInfo) else: self.__data.itemMap.insert(itemInfo, widgetList) self.updateTabOrder() for i in range(len(data)): self.updateWidget(widgetList[i], data[i])
[docs] def createWidget(self, data): """ Create a widget to be inserted into the legend The default implementation returns a `QwtLegendLabel`. :param QwtLegendData data: Attributes of the legend entry :return: Widget representing data on the legend ... note:: updateWidget() will called soon after createWidget() with the same attributes. """ label = QwtLegendLabel() label.setItemMode(self.defaultItemMode()) label.clicked.connect(lambda: self.itemClicked(label)) label.checked.connect(lambda state: self.itemChecked(state, label)) return label
[docs] def updateWidget(self, widget, data): """ Update the widget :param QWidget widget: Usually a QwtLegendLabel :param QwtLegendData data: Attributes to be displayed .. seealso:: :py:meth:`createWidget()` ... note:: When widget is no QwtLegendLabel updateWidget() does nothing. """ label = widget # TODO: cast to QwtLegendLabel! if label is not None: label.setData(data) if data.value(QwtLegendData.ModeRole) is None: label.setItemMode(self.defaultItemMode())
def updateTabOrder(self): contentsLayout = self.__data.view.gridLayout if contentsLayout is not None: w = None for i in range(contentsLayout.count()): item = contentsLayout.itemAt(i) if w is not None and item.widget(): QWidget.setTabOrder(w, item.widget()) w = item.widget()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """Return a size hint""" hint = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.sizeHint() hint += QSize(2 * self.frameWidth(), 2 * self.frameWidth()) return hint
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, width): """ :param int width: Width :return: The preferred height, for a width. """ width -= 2 * self.frameWidth() h = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(width) if h >= 0: h += 2 * self.frameWidth() return h
[docs] def eventFilter(self, object_, event): """ Handle QEvent.ChildRemoved andQEvent.LayoutRequest events for the contentsWidget(). :param QObject object: Object to be filtered :param QEvent event: Event :return: Forwarded to QwtAbstractLegend.eventFilter() """ if object_ is self.__data.view.contentsWidget: if event.type() == QEvent.ChildRemoved: ce = event # TODO: cast to QChildEvent if ce.child().isWidgetType(): w = ce.child() # TODO: cast to QWidget self.__data.itemMap.removeWidget(w) elif event.type() == QEvent.LayoutRequest: self.__data.view.layoutContents() if self.parentWidget() and self.parentWidget().layout() is None: QApplication.postEvent( self.parentWidget(), QEvent(QEvent.LayoutRequest) ) return QwtAbstractLegend.eventFilter(self, object_, event)
def itemClicked(self, widget): # w = self.sender() #TODO: cast to QWidget w = widget if w is not None: itemInfo = self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(w) if itemInfo is not None: widgetList = self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo) if w in widgetList: index = widgetList.index(w) self.clicked.emit(itemInfo, index) def itemChecked(self, on, widget): # w = self.sender() #TODO: cast to QWidget w = widget if w is not None: itemInfo = self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(w) if itemInfo is not None: widgetList = self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo) if w in widgetList: index = widgetList.index(w) self.checked.emit(itemInfo, on, index)
[docs] def renderLegend(self, painter, rect, fillBackground): """ Render the legend into a given rectangle. :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle :param bool fillBackground: When true, fill rect with the widget background """ if self.__data.itemMap.isEmpty(): return if fillBackground: if self.autoFillBackground() or self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, rect, self) legendLayout = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.layout() if legendLayout is None: return margins = self.layout().contentsMargins() layoutRect = QRect() layoutRect.setLeft(math.ceil(rect.left()) + margins.left()) layoutRect.setTop(math.ceil( + layoutRect.setRight(math.ceil(rect.right()) - margins.right()) layoutRect.setBottom(math.ceil(rect.bottom()) - margins.bottom()) numCols = legendLayout.columnsForWidth(layoutRect.width()) itemRects = legendLayout.layoutItems(layoutRect, numCols) index = 0 for i in range(legendLayout.count()): item = legendLayout.itemAt(i) w = item.widget() if w is not None: painter.setClipRect(itemRects[index], Qt.IntersectClip) self.renderItem(painter, w, itemRects[index], fillBackground) index += 1 painter.restore()
[docs] def renderItem(self, painter, widget, rect, fillBackground): """ Render a legend entry into a given rectangle. :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QWidget widget: Widget representing a legend entry :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle :param bool fillBackground: When true, fill rect with the widget background """ if fillBackground: if widget.autoFillBackground() or widget.testAttribute( Qt.WA_StyledBackground ): QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, rect, widget) label = widget # TODO: cast to QwtLegendLabel if label is not None: icon = sz = icon.defaultSize() mgn = label.contentsMargins() margin = max([mgn.left(),, mgn.right(), mgn.bottom()]) iconRect = QRectF( rect.x() + margin, - 0.5 * sz.height(), sz.width(), sz.height(), ) icon.render(painter, iconRect, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) titleRect = QRectF(rect) titleRect.setX(iconRect.right() + 2 * label.spacing()) painter.setFont(label.font()) painter.setPen(label.palette().color(QPalette.Text)) label.drawText(painter, titleRect) # TODO: cast label to QwtLegendLabel
[docs] def legendWidgets(self, itemInfo): """ List of widgets associated to a item :param QVariant itemInfo: Info about an item """ return self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo)
[docs] def legendWidget(self, itemInfo): """ First widget in the list of widgets associated to an item :param QVariant itemInfo: Info about an item """ list_ = self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo) if list_: return list_[0]
[docs] def itemInfo(self, widget): """ Find the item that is associated to a widget :param QWidget widget: Widget on the legend :return: Associated item info """ return self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(widget)
def isEmpty(self): return self.__data.itemMap.isEmpty()